About Us
Department of First Year Engineering is the foundation stone for engineering courses. The Department enables students to further polish their knowledge of basic sciences so as help them better appreciate engineering education, tools and models. Apart from educative pursuits, the Department help students develop soft skills and attributes like group behaviour, team spirit and leadership.

HOD’s Message
Shivani Agrawal
HOD(Applied Science)
Department of First Year Engineering endeavours to build strong foundation for budding engineers by offering the students basic engineering courses. The students are introduced to the fundamentals of engineering and basic applied sciences which help them cope up with advanced studies in higher semesters.
The laboratories in the Department are fully equipped with all necessary instruments and the classrooms are equipped with all basic facilities and LCD as effective tool for teaching learning processes.
The basic focus of the Department is to impart academic excellence through regular assessment and revision in order to ensure continuous improvement in results. Academic counselling is another method by which the Department helps the students in making suitable and timely changes in their academic behaviour and outlook.
In order to further the motto of Vishwaniketan, the Department mentors first-year engineering students through Project Based Learning and Value Addition Programmes. This make the students better appreciate the tools of engineering and help them apply the same in solving practical problems of interests to industry and society.
Through Business Club Activities, the Department tries to inculcate sense of leadership and team spirit among students. This also helps students in assessing the domains and trades in which they are interested and have better analytical skills.
Self-Learning Session activities are the source of developing sense of group behaviour and cooperative problem solving among students, which help them not only in higher semesters but also in professional life after they become engineers.
In a nutshell, the Department of First Year Engineering endeavours to help the students identify opportunities to increase individual and social results through resource rich and innovative learning.